Physical Education (PE)
Our PE curriculum intends to provide pupils with high quality PE and sports provision which is accessible to all. We aim to build a PE curriculum, which results in pupils knowing and understanding more about how to be physical activity and lead a healthy lifestyle through enabling pupils to develop competence and confidence to excel in a variety of physical activities.
Our curriculum is designed to build on and expand pupil’s previous knowledge, whilst giving them a solid foundation of skills to continue to develop.
Through additional experiences and activities we aim to provide children will a wide range of opportunities to try out different sports to enhance their personal development.
We follow the Complete PE scheme at Broadway for EYFS and KS1 which goes beyond the expectation of the National Curriculum. Lessons are planned using the scheme to ensure the PE curriculum is differentiated to meet all pupils’ learning styles and needs as well as challenging them appropriately to their stage of development.
The PE curriculum is delivered through 1 hour of PE taught by specialised PE coaches and 1 hour of PE taught by their class teacher each week. In addition EYFS children have access to activities to develop their physical development during their child initiated learning.
Our PE curriculum incorporates a variety of sports, including gymnastics, athletics, games and dance, to ensure all children develop confidence and an appreciation of their own and others strengths and weaknesses.
Our curriculum enhances the fitness and wellbeing of all children at Broadway, not only through the sporting skills that are taught, but through the underpinning values and disciplines that PE promotes.
Children use these skills, not only in their PE sessions, but throughout their other lessons, activities and experiences to support them in leading happy and healthy lives.
PE Curriculum Overview