Active Travel

What is Active Travel?

Active Travel is any form of travel that involves getting some exercise on your journey. Walking, cycling, scooting and Park & Stride are all excellent forms of active travel. Walking is a brilliant way to get to school. You get plenty of fresh air and time to talk to your family. You can arrange to meet up with other families and walk with your friends. Scooting can be a fun way to practise your balance and steering as well as letting off steam before the school day ahead. Cycling is a great mode of travel that can give children freedom and independence to get around. Park & Stride is where parents/carers park a short distance from school and walk the rest of the way. This is ideal for those who live too far away from school to walk or who need to continue their journey to work.

Why Active Travel?

Choosing to walk, scoot or cycle are all easy ways to increase daily physical activity and help maintain a healthy weight. Children who travel actively to school also gain valuable life skills such as road safety and, as they get older, learn to travel independently. Choosing active modes of travel can help to boost concentration and improve mood. It can also help to reduce the risk of developing health problems such as type 2 diabetes, asthma and even mental health disorders. Active travel is also very cost effective with walking being absolutely free and scooting and cycling much cheaper than using a car. Don’t forget Active Travel is also good for the environment, helping to cut traffic congestion and pollution. Try active travel today!

Active Travel Map

Broadway Infant School and the Local Council have worked together to create this map for you to use when planning your journey to/from school to encourage more active travel. The map focuses on our school in the middle with icons to show some useful features such as cycle parking and crossing points. The map also shows five and ten minute walking and cycling zones that are shown as circles on your map. Use the map to find your home and work out if you are living within one of the 5 or 10 minute walk and cycle zone circles.

If your home is inside one of the walk or cycle zones… it means that you live very close to the school and that active travel could be a great option for you. If you’re not already, why don’t you try walking, scooting or cycling to school? Parents, if you need the car to travel to work, it may be quicker and easier to leave it parked at home while you do the school run.

If you live outside of the walk and cycle zones… in order to reduce congestion at the school gate we would like those who currently arrive by car to try parking outside of the zones and walking or scooting the rest of the way to school. Next time you drive, try to park and stride from suitable places outside the walking zone and walk or scoot the rest of the way to school. You may even find it takes you less time than trying to find somewhere to park near the school gates. Choosing to travel actively and leave the car at home can improve safety and air quality around the school site and allows the opportunity for some exercise at the start and end of the school day. We thank you for supporting our walking and cycling zones

Modeshift STARS Plan

Broadway Infant School are proud to be beginning the Modeshift STARS accreditation which is a national award scheme that recognises schools who demonstrate excellence in supporting walking, cycling and other forms of sustainable travel.