Orange Class - Year 1

Welcome to Orange Class. The teacher in Orange Class is Mrs Reed.

In Year 1 the children learn by exploring, talking, being active and creative whilst developing independent working skills. The children learn new information and skills both indoors and outside. There are a variety of topics throughout the year covering the National Curriculum. Interesting educational visits and visitors into school are an important part of making learning engaging. Learning in Year 1 takes place through play and continuous provision, as well as whole class learning.

Every term we have a homework grid which can be completed at your own pace throughout the term. We encourage children to complete as many homework activities as they like, and bring them in to be celebrated and displayed throughout the term. Children have the opportunity to change their books on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday –  please hear your child read every night as reading is essential to all areas of learning.

The teaching assistants in Year 1 are Mrs Vowles, Mrs Venn, Mrs Fairhall and Miss Derrick. The children also have weekly PE lessons taught by Swift Sports.