Our School
Broadway Infant School is forward looking in its approach to education. The use of a creative curriculum has long been integrated into teaching and learning within the school, we place a high importance on delivering a broad and balanced curriculum for all children. We plan and deliver high quality and engaging learning opportunities so that we inspire curiosity and achieve excellence. We often use the outdoor environment around our school for teaching sessions because we know our children enjoy being active and out in the fresh air whilst learning.
At Broadway children are taught how to be successful learners through the celebration of our core school values and learning characters. Children enjoy learning and are supported to reach their full potential.
Free high quality school meals are provided for all our children and we encourage healthy eating. The meals are cooked on site by our excellent catering team and lunch times are well supervised by a large number of dedicated Lunch Break Supervisors. Children can also bring a packed lunch to school if parents/carers prefer. We participate in the government ‘Free Fruit’ scheme so children receive a piece of fruit or vegetable each day.
We provide wrap-around care for children from Broadway and The Ridge outside of school hours from 7.45am until 6pm at our breakfast club and afterschool club. In addition to these childcare options we also provide a range of afterschool activities for children including choir, art, football and multi-sports clubs.
The school currently has the capacity for 180 pupils shared across six classes – two Reception, two Year 1 plus two Year 2 classes. Classes are supported by teaching assistants and this ensures children have access to high levels of adult support and attention throughout the day.
Broadway Infant School’s Mission and Vision
Learning Together, Inspiring Curiosity, Achieving Our Best
Our Core School Values
Our Learning Characters
At Broadway, children are taught the skills they need to become successful learners through the promotion of our leaning characters, which visually demonstrate these skills to the children and are as follows:
Skilful squirrel
Problem solving Percy
Finding out fox
Resilient Robin
Marvellous Mole
Helping Hedgehog
Our School Rules
We have 3 school rules that are used with the children to discuss their behaviour. All the children in our school know the rules and can explain to any visitor what they mean. We have high expectations of children’s behaviour and when children do not behave as is expected staff discuss this with the children. The children are supported to identify the rule they have not followed, what they should do next time and how they could make amends for their behaviour. From this process children are taught about behaviour in a positive way and can learn from mistakes they make.
Our rules are
Be ready
Be safe
Be respectful