Funding our School

 The school receives funding from the Government. The Governors endeavour to closely follow the four principles of best value:

  • Compare: To be aware of our performance against other similar schools and to monitor standards and results.

  • Challenge: To question our decisions. Are we providing what is needed? Could we do something better?

  • Consult: We need to be clear about the needs of the whole school community. We can achieve this after consulting with them.

  • Compete: Are we ensuring that the school is receiving the most economic and effective service from our providers? Are we following our agreed financial procedures as laid down in our terms of reference?

Numbers of staff who receive a gross salary of £100,000 or more: 0

Resources Committee

Within the limitations of our usually tight budget, our resources committee will:

  • Authorise expenditure

  • Allocate resources (when available) to support identified needs within the School Development Plan

  • Report to all governors at every FGB meeting



In school financial monitoring will be carried out by the Headteacher, the School Business Manager and the Resources Governors. The finances will be subject to a usual three year audit and unofficial funds will be audited annually. There will be periodic reviews of the budget through the year to identify any shortfalls.

The school also receives the following additional funding:

Pupil Premium – for details please click on the page link.

Physical Education Funding – for details please click on the page link