Relationships and Sex Education

Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and Health Education is a statutory part of our curriculum.

The guidance for schools and the curriculum objectives can be found here.

As you know we use Jigsaw for our PSHE curriculum and the relationships and sex education and health education is taught within this subject. A parents guide can be downloaded below.

The additional non-statutory content we teach at Broadway is:

Reception: Growing up: how we have changed since we were babies.
Year 1: Boys’ and girls’ bodies; correct names for body parts.
Year 2: Boys’ and girls’ bodies; body parts and respecting privacy (which parts of the body are private and why this is).

Parents have the right to withdraw their children from the non-statutory elements of RSE. If you would like to know more please read our Personal Social Health and Emotional Education Policy or alternatively contact the school office. They will be happy to arrange an appointment for you to discuss this further.