Formative (ongoing) Assessment
Teachers assess children as part of the everyday process of teaching and learning. Our assessment and marking policies play a crucial role in establishing and supporting a consistent whole school approach to feedback, designed to move children’s learning forward. This day to day formative assessment informs the teacher’s planning.
At the beginning of each topic: the children will be given an opportunity to show what they already know about the topic and the teacher will use this, alongside their knowledge of prior learning in the subject to adjust planning and next steps.
At the start of each lesson: Children will participate in a review, recall and remember discussion which support the children to recall and discuss learning from the previous lessons.
Within each lesson: Assessment for learning strategies (questioning, oral feedback, self-assessment, peer assessment, observations) are used to adjust the teaching and learning for both individual pupils and the class as a whole. Class teachers will note areas of difficulty/misconceptions and make adjustments within the lesson or the following sequence of lessons to address these.
In Reception the majority of assessment evidence is through observation and scaffolding of children’s learning through child initiated and adult led play and activities. Teachers record observations and assess against the Early Learning Goals.
Summative Assessment
In addition to the day to day assessment of children we also carry out summative assessment which helps teachers to evaluate the depth of children’s learning. This can be carried out some time after the children have studied a particular genre of writing for example or an area of maths. Again this informs future teaching so that gaps can be closed and teaching focuses on what the children need to learn or revisit.
Reception: At the end of the foundation stage the children are assessed against 17 Early Learning Goals and are assessed as either emerging (working towards) or expected (working at) for each area.
A child is considered to have reached a Good Level of Development (GLD) if they have reached the expected level in the prime areas as well as literacy and maths.
For more information about the EYFS curriculum please see:
Key Stage One: At regular intervals pupils are assessed against Age Related Expectations (ARE) for all subjects. Both progress and attainment in Maths and English are tracked using Target Tracker software which is also used by The Ridge Junior School.
National testing
Children also take part in statutory assessments whilst they are at Broadway. The buttons below link to parent information documents for each of the assessments.