Starting school at Broadway

Our school prospectus contains all the latest information and guidance for parents. You can download a copy here or alternatively you can visit our school and pick up a paper copy.

Admissions arrangements

The Admissions Department at South Gloucestershire Council control all our admissions and appeals arrangements. Please visit their website for more information on the application process.  You can access their website using this link.

Each year we hold open events at school to give parents the opportunity to visit our school and ask questions. We would like to support you to make this important decision so if you would like to ask us any questions please don’t hesitate to contact us by telephone on 01454 867130 or email:

School Uniform

Our School uniform is as follows:

Our main school uniform consists of a gold polo-shirt, a maroon coloured cardigan, sweatshirt or fleece and grey or black trousers / shorts / skirt / pinafore dress / red and white checked summer dress. Sensible school shoes are also part of our uniform (not trainers or sandals).

Our PE uniform is worn on the days the children do PE (twice a week). It consists of a plain white t-shirt, plain black shorts, plain black skort / skirt with shorts underneath, leggings or jogging bottoms and trainers. The trainers should be Velcro fastening rather than laces unless your child is confident doing their laces up independently.

The gold polo shirt, white PE t-shirt, cardigan, fleece and sweatshirt can be purchased from Monkhouse (our uniform supplier) with our Broadway logo embroidered on the front. We are also sell second hand uniform at the school office so can purchase items with logos on for £1 an item. Please note items with logos are not compulsory.

For more information please read the uniform letter and policy below: